Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Documentary Storyboard

We were asked to make a documentary, and to take into consideration fictional elements of cinema that we could incorporate into our documentary to make it more interesting while continuing a sense grounded realism. We were told to choose a partner to work with for this project, and my partner is Kevin Banos, who did the illustration for the storyboard based off of rough sketches and scene descriptions that I relayed to him. For the story of the documentary itself, we wanted it to be an interview between a college student working for the local newspaper (Played by Kevin), and a self-proclaimed clairvoyant who is attempting to warn people that a global disaster is about to take place. The scenes will cut from an interviewing room to shots on the street, where a series of effects will be used  for each scene (Blurring, levitating subject, and finally a CGI UFO in the sky). These scenes are the documentary's showpieces, in that they will be the most visually engrossing shots, designed to captivate and to instill a sense of surrealism in the film.  

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