Thursday, February 20, 2014

Graphic Novel

I wanted to do something different for the graphic novel project. I am a photographer, not an illustrator, so I thought at first that the project would have been exceedingly difficult for me. However, after reading Scott McCloud's chapters in Understanding Comics - The Invisible Art, I realized that all the effects that could be achieved through comic illustrations could be done through photographs. Motion, action, and transitions in comics can easily be replicated with actual photographic imagery, as rules of composition are the same in photographs or in illustrations.

I wanted to an adaptation of a scene from Macbeth, specifically, Scene 2 in Act 2. Macbeth is one of my favorite works of literature, and I had wanted to do a modern adaptation of it, with Sin City style graphic novel effects. The end result turned out very similar to what I had in my mind, and I was satisfied with the overall aesthetic. I edited each photo uniquely in a filter to give it the cartoon look in Photoshop, and ended up with a fairly consistent selection of images that translated well to the graphic novel medium.

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